Sunday, August 9, 2009

Who Will Stand With Me?

I originally set out to write an opinion on our so-called health insurance reform bill, but I got sidetracked. I took a crazy turn into “conspiracy theory land”, and scared the bejeezus out of myself.

Here’s the problem – I believe parts of my conspiracy theory. But I need to give you a little background before I plunge headfirst into the theory.

After reading the bill entitled “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009”, hereinafter referred to by me as the health care bill, I realized that the only part of the title that contains any truth is that it is being drafted in 2009. It doesn’t encompass everyone in America, it isn’t affordable, there are no choices, and it doesn’t really deal with health at all. In short, it’s the biggest money-grab our nation has seen since the passing of the 16th Amendment.

That’s right – I said it. It isn’t about health care – it’s about money, power, and control. (Those of you who are so inclined are welcome to report me to the snitch brigade at the White House –

Okay – my theory. I think that certain parties have undertaken an all-out assault on our country in order to further concentrate all of our money and power into the hands of a select few. I don’t know who they are – I can’t (or won’t) name names. But I want you to take a look at events that have transpired over the last year or so, keeping in mind one simple rule.

The ultimate responsibility of a nation’s government is to protect the value or strength of that nation’s currency. Everything else that’s done is secondary, or fulfills a supporting role in the first directive – protect the strength of the nation’s currency.

Without a strong economy, a nation has no way to do those things necessary to the ethical stewardship of a nation. Things like “…form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity” become impossible without a strong economy. Once the incentive for success provided by the opportunity to make a profit is removed, the economy ceases to exist.

What you have left is a tattered wraith of what once was, aping the behavior of it’s predecessors and spreading misery wherever it roams. That spectre of greatness engenders bitterness in the citizenry of a once great nation, causes famine, disease, struggle, and untimely death. It is the ruin of civilization.

This is our future. And we, with our inattention and apathy, have allowed that future to rear its ugly head.

This path that we’re on began a long time ago, and the first effective volley was fired at our system of education. The seeds of destruction were planted there when we slowly erased critical thinking and logic from the education of our youth. Instead, we overwhelmed them with facts and figures, and taught them that fact regurgitation is likenable to intelligence. Unable to think for themselves, we then sent them to college, where their heads were filled with ideas and philosophies that are counter to our culture, morals, and beliefs. We slowly corrupted them with abstractions, and gave them very little in the way of actual education. We gave them re-education, and we paid for their corruption with the products of our labor.

They then ventured out into the world – into journalism, politics, law, economics, medicine, science, engineering, seminary – name any profession and they took up the mantle. Their education taught them that greed was the same thing as success, and that words like honor, integrity, loyalty and sacrifice were anachronisms – no longer applicable to the world in which they lived.

They then ascended to positions in banking institutions, law firms, politics, journalism, science, medicine, and education. The malleable clay that they once were had hardened, so that they were inflexible. When pressures became too great, they were destroyed, and they destroyed the things and the people with whom they were closely acquainted.

The seeds of our children’s education reaped scandal in banking, commerce, politics, education, law, seminary – everywhere you looked. The very fabric of our nation was torn apart because the foundation that our children built their hopes and dreams upon was made of sand – unable to withstand the storm of hard times and bad decisions.

We wound up with the mortgage debacle (Fannie and Freddie), the collapse of our financial institutions, the unendurable demands of labor unions upon manufacturing (the auto industry), the predatory practices of trial lawyers (health care and political correctness), and finally ended up with the usurpation of our rights, liberties, and fortunes by an overzealous government. Our government has become a bloated, monstrous parasite whose appetite has no end, and whose demise will only come with the utter obliteration of its host – the people of the United States.

Our government has declared war upon us – the People – and most of us have no idea how to fight.

So what do we do? Live a half-life on our knees, supplicants to a master who has no concept of justice, fairness, equality, or mercy? Or stand an our feet, willing to die so that others might live free?

I know what I do – I stand.

I study my opponent, I learn from his actions, I anticipate his intentions, and I learn to fight him. Many of the items in his arsenal are at this point unfamiliar to me – things like words, laws, regulations, bills, taxes, court decisions, media manipulation, labor unions, and community activists. I don’t know how to fight these things, but I will.

I did learn a few things from a lifetime in the military and from combat service. It doesn’t matter who your opponent is, if you maintain unrelenting pressure on one focal point for long enough, he will move to another objective. That’s a very short term goal, but can be incredibly effective.

For now, I focus all of my attention on this one objective – defeat of the health care bill. I surround myself with likeminded people, and we take the fight to our opponent with overwhelming force of numbers. We force him to move on to a new objective. We leave a contingent behind to secure the ground we’ve won, and we confront him in the same manner on his next objective. In this way, we eventually back him into a corner (very dangerous), or we send him running out into the open. In either scenario, we have the opportunity to capture him and neutralize him. He is no longer a threat.

This is very much a small-unit level mindset. I’m not a great long-term strategist. I’m a fighter, not a planner. Like most fighters, I still believe in words like honor, duty, sacrifice, loyalty, fidelity, and responsibility.

We have a duty and a responsibility to protect our country. We will have to use honor, integrity, and loyalty. We must be willing to sacrifice, for our opponent will attempt to impugn our honor, compromise our integrity, and divide our loyalty. He will scoff at our notion of duty, and claim that we have no right to the responsibility that we claim. But it must be done. Soon.

This war has been a quiet war. It has been waged against us without our knowledge for a very long time. But we have finally realized that something revolutionary is happening – and we want no part of it.

The coming months and years will define us as a nation. This is a war that will be fought by multiple generations at the same time. It’s a war of words. It’s a war of intent. If we hope to win, it will take a concerted effort involving the old and the young, the healthy and the infirm, the fighters and the planners. It will require people who see what is happening here and now, and people who can anticipate events one hundred years from now.

I said I will stand, and I will. Who will stand with me?

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